Annual Conference 2025

Abstract submission no is OPEN!

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dates: 24-28 February 2025

Conference webpage

To all student members: use the option to apply for GTÖ travel grants!

Photo Contest

Photo Contest noe open for members:

Scientists reprimand EU decision-makers

Scientists reprimand EU decision-makers for rollback on the Green Deal and call for responsible decision-making.

In an open letter published on 29 May, and updated on 5.6, 20 science associations and networks across Europe, representing many thousands of scientists in the EU, in criticising European decision-makers for a series of decisions that undermine the EU’s environmental agenda and international obligations, resulting in an overall attack on the Green Deal, on nature, and the future of EU citizens.

To read the full letter see Link here (zenodo)

In Memory of Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch

The Society for Tropical Ecology mourns the loss of its former president, Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch, who died in mid-November at the age of 73. He served as the society’s president from 2009 to 2018. During his time as president, he .... 

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Welcome to the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)

About us

The Society for Tropical Ecology (formerly Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie e.V., gtö) promotes and communicates new and emerging knowledge among tropical ecologists and conservationists to advance the understanding of tropical ecosystems and their protection. We are currently Europe’s largest scientific association for tropical ecology research.

We Offer

  • a platform for scientific exchange
  • an annual scientific conference
  • an monthly online talks series #TEO
  • research and travel grants
  • a student group for exchange among early career scientists
  • an international peer-reviewed journal (Ecotropica)

Our Vision

Our goal is to connect students and academics with an interest in tropical ecology from around the world to understand and preserve the biodiversity and functions of tropical ecosystems.

Our Mission

We promote research on the ecology and conservation of tropical ecosystems and their unique biodiversity by connecting academics, researchers and practitioners from around the globe.

Research community

The Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö), founded in 1987, is Europe’s largest scientific association in the field of tropical ecology.

More info

Also on facebook

The Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö) is also actively providing information on social media. Either for general information flow to our members and colleagues from other disciplines or during workshops and conferences ... follow us!

gtö on facebook